Balance of Trade
Resign to them the management of tariffs, and they will give up all dispute with you in the domain of theory.
Resign to them the management of tariffs, and they will give up all dispute with you in the domain of theory.
Mises was correct about the inherent irrationality of the socialist state but did not extend his critique to the irrational essence of the state itself.
Economics deals with society's fundamental problems; it concerns everyone and belongs to all. It is the main and proper study of every citizen.
The threat of deadly force is implicitly present in every law, regulation, ruling, or decree that emanates from any government office, at any level.
To "believe in" the president, one would have to believe that the source of America's greatness is the welfare state he enthusiastically defends and promotes.
Is it not an incontestable axiom in political economy that taxes ultimately fall on the consumer?
Interventions in the name of fairness do little to advance real fairness but a great deal to undermine the benefits we all derive from competition.
Please do not think, as many do, that economics — which is a science — takes sides on this issue.
Anyone who values a historically informed and well-written defense of freedom will gain a great deal from reading DiLorenzo's Organized Crime.
Attempts of the government to subsidize the beginning of fisheries also proved fruitless.