The Death of the Celtic Tiger
"There is a growing body of disenfranchised and radicalized citizens who see the EU for what it is: a criminal organization bent on totalitarianism."
"There is a growing body of disenfranchised and radicalized citizens who see the EU for what it is: a criminal organization bent on totalitarianism."
Money is the thing which serves as the generally accepted and commonly used medium of exchange.
Even America's poorest people nowadays can afford automobiles, cell phones, and TVs. Yet a significant number of social critics wish they couldn't.
Rothbard has succeeded in sustaining what remains of the postmeltdown high-tech and information sectors, albeit in India and China.
The possibility of an insolvent central bank, however, bypasses the question of whether the central bank should be abolished and concludes that it will, in certain instances, abolish itself as insolvency renders it helpless.
The consequences of pumping out many trillions of marks (or even just the few trillions of dollars now being created by the Federal Reserve) are simply catastrophic. And such policies lead, as Professors Mises and Rothbard taught us, to collapse, war, destruction, starvation, and death.
The “miracle” of Germany’s revival was not the result of a conscious rejection of socialism, but was rather an accident of politi
"The protectionists speak of trade with the contempt of feudal nobles, but on examination it appears that they have something to sell, and that they mean to denounce trade with their rivals."
The only way to guarantee extension of broadband service in an efficient way is to avoid any intervention in the market. Only the free market guarantees that all demand is satisfied, and that the price is the minimum realizable without confiscating wealth from some individuals in favor of others.