Global Economy

Displaying 731 - 740 of 1721
Mises Institute

It was a big week for Bernie Sanders's brand of socialism, and millions of Americans already agree with him. Thanks to unquestioning acceptance of wild claims about the success of socialism in Europe, many Americans are now wishing for some European-style socialism themselves.

Mises Institute

International trade grasped headlines with Monday’s announcement that twelve governments have agreement on the Trans-Pacific Partnership. While we should expect to see this celebrated in the editorial pages of the Wall Street Journal, it is unfortunate even libertarian organizations are praising the agreement.

Carmen Elena Dorobăț

A real free trade agreement should be short and unilateral. It would then truly allow the market to bring about a pattern of international trade in line with the scarcity of resources and with entrepreneurial judgment about their most efficient international allocation. The TPP, on the other hand, was created to interfere with this pattern: to distort it for more political power or for more economic gain for some groups or others. It was created to take trade flows from the course prescribed by voluntary agreements and divert them into that prescribed by political agreements. 

Mises Institute

Whether its drug prices, crushing debt, or unemployment, government can always come up with someone else to blame. Fortunately though, in spite of the lackluster economy the Fed and the government seem committed to giving us, there's hope for a much better future.