Global Economy
Misesians in Japan
Marc Abela talks with us about the state of Austrian economics and the freedom philosophy in Japan.
Sweatshops: A Way Out of Poverty
These so-called sweatshops are part of the development process that leads to better conditions. Austrian economic theory teaches that people choose purposively to improve their situation.
You Can’t Run an Economy With Spreadsheets
Argentina’s economic minister, Axel Kicillof, has become famous for his assertion that it is possible to centrally manage the economy now because we have spreadsheets.
Dr. Philipp Bagus: The Tragedy of the Euro
Rethinking Japan’s ‘’Lost Decades’’
The "Lost Decade" narrative in Japan and the US has kept the drive for more government intervention going for a long time.
Andy Duncan: The Charade of Independence for UKIP and Scotland
US Sanctions on Russia May Sink the Dollar
US sanctions against Russia are just the latest incentive for the world’s economies to avoid dealing with the dollar, writes Ron Paul.
Not Enough Bricks: Monetary Misperceptions and the UK Housing Boom
This article analyzes the housing boom witnessed in the UK economy from 1994–2007 in light of the Austrian theory of the business cycle (ABC). Ludwig von Mises’s parable of the “bricks” is utilized to provide empirical