The Regulated Insurance Market
Insurance regulation in the United States is not working because it makes insurance a static, uncreative and boring business.
Insurance regulation in the United States is not working because it makes insurance a static, uncreative and boring business.
Mankind must stop tolerating this thing called the state, which presumes the right to force us to do what it wants us to do, rather than what we want to do.
It will be no surprise to readers of this site to learn that the Democrats' bill will seriously harm precisely those poor and uninsured citizens it is ostensibly designed to help.
"We cannot compete against you in markets because you exert control over our entry into markets."
It is clear to see that government-mandated treatment cannot possibly lead to a more cost-effective balance between preventive treatment and future treatment.
"Thus, the famous 'one-in-eight' hungry Americans include all Americans living in households that, until 2005, were described as food insecure, but without hunger."
"Some illnesses are not insurable without destroying the insurance system."
"For more deadly epidemics the importance of competition cannot be overstated."
The predator state cannot be tamed. Only when the public withdraws its consent will the predations come to an end.