An Ancient Warning: Criminal Trespass Is the State’s Essential Feature
The Bible the ancient Israelites were warned about the dangers of having a government that would tax them heavily and oppress them. They didn't listen.
The Bible the ancient Israelites were warned about the dangers of having a government that would tax them heavily and oppress them. They didn't listen.
The surge of "progressive" prosecutors, many funded by George Soros, has been followed by increases in violent crime.
The surge of "progressive" prosecutors, many funded by George Soros, has been followed by increases in violent crime.
Jordan Peterson has linked identity politics to socialism. Instead, socialism is about empowering the state.
Monarchs created Europe's modern states but lost the ability to control them. Then, having grown beyond the tools that helped monarchs turn themselves into absolute rulers, "the state acquired a life of its own."
Vaccine mandates imposed by governments violate individual rights and further the coercive powers of the state. They also violate Kantian ethical norms, turning people into vehicles to accomplish the ends of governing elites.
Economists often deplore the corruption in developing countries, but when institutions are corrupt, don't expect people to have the incentive to be honest.
The optics of the event were likely the idea of a proud Biden staffer leaning into the “Dark Brandon” aesthetic that has become popular among regime loyalists on Twitter. To Americans outside of this Very Online echo chamber, the imagery drew connotations of sinister authoritarian regimes.
Economists often deplore the corruption in developing countries, but when institutions are corrupt, don't expect people to have the incentive to be honest.
Not satisfied with putting thousands of people out of work with its infamous AB 5 legislation, California lawmakers now are going after fast-food businesses.