Obamacare is a Devastating Tax on the Working Class
It will be no surprise to readers of this site to learn that the Democrats' bill will seriously harm precisely those poor and uninsured citizens it is ostensibly designed to help.
It will be no surprise to readers of this site to learn that the Democrats' bill will seriously harm precisely those poor and uninsured citizens it is ostensibly designed to help.
Eventually, every aspect of productive life will be so controlled that capitalist drive and ingenuity will become relics of the past.
Given that we have rising unemployment, a reduction in minimum-wage rates might bring relief to some unemployed workers.
What counts in the market are the externalities that can be derived from intellectual property. How to deal with these externalities is, of course, a different matter.
Under the Ninth and Tenth Amendments, the brief continues, the plaintiff is denied rights reserved to states under the Constitution, and specifically Blattner's right to make a living by feeding his own wheat to his chickens.
Allowing free entry to the arbitration market would allow firms to compete over the right to interpret and enforce contracts between doctors, patients, and insurers. This situation of dynamic competition will lead to a more efficient allocation of risk burden and make healthcare more accessible and valuable for all consumers.
So Keynes enables Posner to throw off the shackles of rational choice almost completely.
The real horror is the prohibition, which has brought about a dark despotism that everyone pretends not to notice.
"Government intervention in the housing market leads to further and further intervention."