The Myth of Long and Variable Lags
It‘s obvious that a new influx of money will not immediately bring about changes in enough prices to significantly alter a price index. Even so, there are immediate effects of the new money.
It‘s obvious that a new influx of money will not immediately bring about changes in enough prices to significantly alter a price index. Even so, there are immediate effects of the new money.
I have long argued that Austrian economics should be developed not as an alternative to the current academic discipline of economics but as a replacement for it.
Bob looks at the misconceptions and misuses of GDP accounting, explaining why this widely accepted metric often paints a misleading picture of economic health.
Interest rates, inflation, home prices, and federal spending all pose big challenges to a Trump administration that is ill-prepared to deal with the deep-seated problems in the US economy.
While government officially measures inflation using weighted averages incorporated into the Consumer Price Index, in truth it is impossible to establish an average price level. It really is the proverbial apples-to-oranges comparison.
While economists speak of GDP as a legitimate measure of the economy, a closer look tells us that it is biased toward consumer spending and fails to give a true measure of the value of capital.
Economist Daniel Lacalle joins Ryan and Tho to talk about how central banks are engineering more zombie companies, higher inflation, and a "private sector recession."
On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop are joined by Mark Thornton to discuss Jerome Powell's most recent announcement.
In The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy and her friends had to worry about wild animals and wicked witches. Today, Americans face a much more formidable foe: their own free-spending government.
In The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy and her friends had to worry about wild animals and wicked witches. Today, Americans face a much more formidable foe: their own free-spending government.