Media and Culture
The Year 2000
Millennial hysteria and its historical and religious link to socialist theory and practice: a roundup by Clifford F. Thies.
In Praise of Commercial Culture by Tyler Cowen
Cultural pessimists such as John Ruskin claim that capitalism leads to a decline in literature, painting, and music.
Capitalism and American Sports
The world has just finished what, for Americans, is the curious spectacle of the Soccer World Cup. Every four years since the 1930s teams representing 32 countries have met (in a different venue each time) to decide who is best. Much of Europe, South America, and Africa come to a halt during the three weeks of Cup play.
Blame it on the Boss
How is capitalism being treated in American popular culture today? The signals are mixed, but generally the picture is bleak.
Markets On-Line
The Clinton administration, applying its theory that all good things should be subsidized with tax dollars, proposes new spending to upgrade the Internet. But it's not the government that has turned this medium into the most promising venue for free-market exchange in our time. It's the astounding power of market commerce itself.