Gold Repatriation: French National Front Joins Germany and the Netherlands
Zero Hedge reports that Marine LePen of the unexpectedly popular National Front Party in France is now demanding that the French central bank repatriate its gold.
Zero Hedge reports that Marine LePen of the unexpectedly popular National Front Party in France is now demanding that the French central bank repatriate its gold.
Jeff Deist and Claudio Grass discuss this Sunday’s historic Swiss gold referendum vote from his insider’s perspective.
The Daily Bell skewers the Swiss banking class for its hostility to the upcoming gold referendum. Still, as the article points out, central bankers are now on the defensive.
Our global system of fiat moneys favors spenders and borrowers over savers. Low- and moderate-income households who wish to save for the future are at the greatest disadvantage, and this has led to profound cultural changes over the past century.
Our global system of fiat moneys favors spenders and borrowers over savers.
It’s hard to walk away from Brendan Brown’s most recent book without a feeling of deep disappointment in modern day central banks. T
The Economist recently opined that interest rates don't affect investment. This claim is based on an empirical study that contradicts what we already know: that lower prices lead to more demand. In the end, the problem lies with the researches who fail to account for the behavior of central bankers.