Taxes and Spending
Other People’s Money
I always knew that if the Republicans were ever to become the majority party, they would do it by mimicking the Democrats.
The Power to Destroy
Where the state is, there also is the growth of the state. Why does a state’s scope enlarge?
A Consuming Folly
Sean Corrigan notes several cases when believing in myth and fallacy qualifies you to manage editorial pages and purport to administer whole nations.
The end of the classroom as we know it
The Huntsville Times was prompted by Bill Gates’s good comments on education to interview others on the topic, and I was among them.
The Meltdown of the German Welfare State
The past year has brought to light what so long was concealed under the veil of the German consensus model, writes Frank Vogelgesang.
Death Taxes: Theory, History, and Ethics
When the state intervenes in family inheritance process, it increases its coffers at the expense of the smooth operation of family, society, and economy.