Taxes and Spending
What Trump Means for Brexit, China, and the EU
Trump Cuts Subsidy to Real Estate Industry, Opponents Call It a “Tax Increase”
The US Navy: A History of Waste and Corruption
Will Trump Continue the Bush-Obama Legacy?
The only way to avoid fiscal crises is to stop increasing spending and instead begin reducing spending on all aspects of the welfare-warfare state.
Week in Review: January 14, 2017
The nation braces itself for the inauguration of a new president. Politics, however, will not cure what ails us.
Beware “Revenue Neutral” Tax Reform
There is a lot of talk about tax reform these days. Not surprisingly, none of it involves cutting spending or lessening government revenue.
What’s the Correct Number of Women Commandos?
The military can't rationally allocate resources because it can't properly determine prices for them.
Prosperity = Abundant Work + Low Cost of Living
Our economy is making it harder to start businesses, keep businesses, and hire people. That's a recipe for disaster.
How Government Regulation Makes Us Poorer
What hurts workers — and keeps them poor — is government regulation, which restricts competition.