Elizabeth Warren’s War on the Poor
Elizabeth Warren wants to help low-income and powerless people. However, she supports interventions that will hurt the people she wants to help.
Elizabeth Warren wants to help low-income and powerless people. However, she supports interventions that will hurt the people she wants to help.
Thanks to government funding and a lack of intellectual diversity, critical thinking has become a mere afterthought at American universities.
Christopher Westley is blunt about his organization's mission. "I want it to support the productive class of society."
Social Security and scores of other welfare programs have expanded at an accelerative rate.
The Swiss will vote on a taxpayer-provided "Unconditional Basic Income" for everyone. The Swiss have a history of rejecting similar measures.
The Lens in Washington state covered our Mises Circle, with attention to my "Three Lies You'll Hear from the Candidates this Year."
The war on cash is a war on commerce, or rather, on any commerce that can't be monitored and controlled by government.
The Defense Authorization bill should remain notorious. It represents most of what is wrong with Washington.
James Champlin, a 19th-century critic of protectionism, anticipated many of the free-trade insights of the Austrian school.
The taxpayers will complain a little, but they'll be sure to re-elect most of the politicians who gave us this status quo.