Why Classical Liberalism Rejects War
“The liberal critique of the argument in favor of war is fundamentally different from that of the humanitarians. It starts from the pre
“The liberal critique of the argument in favor of war is fundamentally different from that of the humanitarians. It starts from the pre
Free-market solutions have blossomed in spite of being in the heart of a country ravaged by economic sanctions and all but total war.
A just war exists when a people tries to ward off the threat of coercive domination by another people, or to overthrow an already-existing domination.
Every dollar spent on the military is a dollar not spent or invested in the civilian economy.
Sponsored by Furman Conservative Students for a Better Tomorrow, 25 February 2012 at Furman University; Greenville, SC.
Sponsored by Furman Conservative Students for a Better Tomorrow, 25 February 2012 at Furman University; Greenville, SC.
In many ways the United States' foreign policy is much like that winter snowball game.
Of course the president, like everyone, frequently protests his desire for peace. Everyone does this. And I think we may assume he is quite sincere about it.
WWI served as the model, the precedent, and the inspiration for state-corporate capitalism for the remainder of the 20th century.