Monarchy and War
It is important to understand the relationship between monarchy and war, and between monarchy and warfare.
It is important to understand the relationship between monarchy and war, and between monarchy and warfare.
As Trump considers ending the Iran nuclear deal, a look back at how the Bush administration betrayed one of its first allies in the "War on Terror."
Acting to promote power political interests does not meet the criterion of humanitarianism, even if the missile attack is defended as a humanitarian gesture.
America's subsidized arms industry also benefits greatly from presidential efforts to push international arms deals with foreign regimes.
California's governor refuses to send National Guard troops to the border on Trump's terms. State governments should refuse to send troops far more often than this.
There are many questions that need to be asked about the situation in Syria. But the Trump administration has no interest in asking them.
Jeff Deist and Daniel McAdams discuss the US on the brink of a new, unpopular war in Syria.
The cause of freedom has always been closely connected with the cause of peace.
LBJ wanted to be remembered for his Great Society legacy. And he has his wish.
The Second Amendment was motivated by much earlier English ideas about decentralizing the power of the king. It was hardly the invention of Southern slave drivers.