An Appreciation of B.R. Shenoy, Economist
Bellikoth Ragunath Shenoy was an Indian economist and teacher who produced many essays on Indian economic policy. Scholars of economic thought have neglected the importance of his work.
Bellikoth Ragunath Shenoy was an Indian economist and teacher who produced many essays on Indian economic policy. Scholars of economic thought have neglected the importance of his work.
The point to be emphasized in this paper is that if one starts with a different view of efficiency and market optimality, an entirely different set
This section provides short descriptions of scholarly articles expounding on libertarian theory or otherwise of special interest to libertarians.
The Mises Institute is honored to be taking over the public action of The Journal of Libertarian Studies, one of the most important schola
In this article, Gabriel Calzada Álvarez offers a review of Hernando de Soto's The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else.
An introduction to the 20th Volume of the Journal of Libertarian Studies by Robert T. Long.
The aim of this article is to resolve the putative contradiction between Hayek’s “legal framework of general and abstract rules”
In this response, I have dealt with five instances of misrepresentation in the review: its claim that I ignore the essential theme of support for businessmen and capitalists
The editors have decided to devote the bulk of Volume 5, Number 3, Fall 2002 Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics to articles by F.A. Hayek, Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk, and Frédéric Bastiat.
The Austrian School of economics—the casual-realist, marginalist, subjectivist tradition established by Carl Menger in 1871—has experienced a remarkable renaissance over the last five decades.