Police Forces
In a free market of justice, police making many errors would thus quickly be eliminated by bankruptcy.
In a free market of justice, police making many errors would thus quickly be eliminated by bankruptcy.
Only those who embrace Pink's advice to develop a whole new mind, and Hazlitt's recommendation to develop real thinking and problem-solving skills, will be successfully employed in the dark days ahead.
"With a free-market defense system, each man acts to defend his own values to the extent he wishes to have them defended, regardless of what piece of real estate he happens to be occupying."
Nonetheless, an important crack in the united macroeconomic front has been made with the admission that the policies are wanting and the neo-Keynesian establishment economics does not have a ready answer to explain either the causes or cures of such contemporary economic phenomena as inflationary recession.
After all, as motivated producers are necessary for providing marketable goods, so motivated sellers are necessary for delivering these goods to the willing buyers.
All that stands between the present awful reality and 0% unemployment is a class of social managers unwilling to admit error.
Murray Rothbard was a cheerful, sweet, likeable man who didn't hate anyone, especially fellow libertarians.
"From the Austrian perspective, if some form of collaborative activity is involved in the creation of literature, it is still always collaboration among individuals, whereas in the Marxist view collaboration is typically understood in collectivist terms."
"An individualist unafraid to think for himself, Mariana clearly took little stock in the Jesuit ideal of the society as a tightly disciplined military-like body."
Protectionism and all other forms of war by the state on its people are devastating, and need to be undone.