Our Miracle of Pentecost
For the first time in the history of the world, I’m able to communicate with anyone in the world instantly, regardless of language.
For the first time in the history of the world, I’m able to communicate with anyone in the world instantly, regardless of language.
"Jefferson described the new judicial establishment as 'a parasitical plant engrafted at the last session on the judiciary body'."
Tom Kowitz and Michele Gaudin of WGSO 990AM, New Orleans, interview Tom Woods on the topic of his book Nullification, 17 July 2010.
Naturally, given Mises's emphasis on the centrality of the division of labor to the maintenance and progress of civilization, he is particularly outspoken regarding the evils of aggressive war, which on top of its physical and human toll brings about the progressive impoverishment of mankind by its radical disruption of a harmonious structure of production that spans the entire globe.
The idea of final utility is to the expert the open sesame, as it were, by which he unlocks the most complicated phenomena of economic life and solves the hardest problems of the science.
Man chooses ultimate ends first and then the means to attain them.
There is one small, seemingly insignificant detail that destroys the case against litter and the litterer.
Choosing means is a matter of reason, choosing ultimate ends a matter of the soul and the will.
From Theory and History Part Two, “Determination and Materialism”. Narrated by John Pruden.
In that way, the possessors of a liberal or pacifist conscience can go about their business assured that they could never be a party to capital punishment; while the rest of us can have the capital punishment we would like to have, free from the interference of liberal busybodies.