9. The Concept of Historical Individuality
From Theory and History Part Three, “Epistemological Problems of History”. Narrated by John Pruden.
From Theory and History Part Three, “Epistemological Problems of History”. Narrated by John Pruden.
In a free market, an unemployed man has always chosen unemployment over working in a place, at a time, in a way, or for a wage that he dislikes, wr
"The necessary result of the adoption of this empiricist epistemological and methodological model was that social scientists would always be behind the curve of any emerging social phenomenon."
The job applications pour in by the buckets, all padded with degrees and made to look as impressive as possible. It’s all just paper.
European democracy broke down because there were no democrats left in continental Europe. The place held in America by the Gettysburg Address was occupied in Europe by the Communist Manifesto. No further comment is necessary.
The owner of ghetto housing differs little from any other purveyor of low-cost merchandise, writes Walter Block.
From Theory and History Part Two, “Determination and Materialism”. Narrated by John Pruden.
Conservatives have always believed that once a nation goes Communist it is irrevocably doomed — that collectivism, once adopted, is irreversible. Yugoslavia, and to some extent the remainder of Eastern Europe, have shown that this is not true, that the spirit of freedom can never be extinguished.
From Theory and History, Part One, “Value”. Narrated by John Pruden.
From Theory and History, Part Two, “Determination and Materialism”. Narrated by John Pruden.