Review of North: “Millenialism and the Progressive Movement”
Shawn Ritenour reviews Gary North’s article, “Millenialism and the Progressive Movement,” Journal of Libertarian Studies
Shawn Ritenour reviews Gary North’s article, “Millenialism and the Progressive Movement,” Journal of Libertarian Studies
Ubel mocks those who speak of a "nanny state"; but the real problem is not that the state officiously looks out for our best interests at the expense of our freedom. It is that the state exploits us.
Throwing money at Flynt and Francis — like bailing out the automakers and the big banks — stifles innovation and new technologies in order to keep outmoded business models in place at the expense of taxpayers.
I am suggesting here that a far-reaching cost of the war was the degradation of the autonomy of individuals and families in relation to their property.
The economic power of private business organizations, even the so-called "private tyrannies," is justified by the fact that the use of economic power involves no initiation of force against any other person or their property.
When prices are fixed, and labor conditions are set by law, an employer can indulge his racist preferences without receiving his capitalist comeuppance.
Boulton and Watt's refusal to issue licenses allowing other engine makers to employ the separate-condenser principle clearly retarded the development and introduction of improvements.
No, the authors are not really Austrian, and I'm not even sure that they can be called libertarians, but they understand the competitive process in ways that would make Hayek and Mises proud.
Not state capitalism, not crony capitalism, not mixed-market capitalism, not fascism and interventionism under the guise of capitalism, but unfettered, laissez-faire, free-market capitalism.