“Capitalism” Forever
Ayn Rand made the case for the freedom philosophy in the most aggressive manner possible, bless her. And, "capitalism" was a crucial element of that effort.
Ayn Rand made the case for the freedom philosophy in the most aggressive manner possible, bless her. And, "capitalism" was a crucial element of that effort.
Property is that beautiful foundation from which libertarians approach conflicts.
To maximize human well-being and to minimize disputes, private ownership and management of land and all appurtenances to land should be encouraged. Further, the land should be untaxed. The owner should own totally, once all encumbrances have been removed.
The essential critical faculty cannot be developed when we copycat the questions and conclusions of others.
Free minds are inventive minds. That is why America has always been a land of inventors.
"It is only when men are free that they begin to place a value on their time; and when men begin to place a value on human time, they begin to realize the importance of preserving human life."
To converse with others, associate with them, shake hands with them, or even to experience such intimacies as a sexual relationship, does not constitute a property relationship, but rather a relationship with a property owner.
"Orphan's treatment as capital goods on the market would lead to far more just outcomes for them than will their treatment as political capital goods by statist monopolies."
Property rights, when well-defined and protected, create incentives for self-interested owners to utilize resources in numerous ways that promote the social good.
Only you can improve yourself to the point where you are competent and capable of defeating socialism within yourself. Only by so doing can you become able to serve the cause of freedom for all men.