Crime and Drugs
Professor Block is interviewed on a special television report on Channel 6, WDSU; New Orleans, Louisiana
Professor Block is interviewed on a special television report on Channel 6, WDSU; New Orleans, Louisiana
Yet Another Example of how Intellectual Property is Partial Enslavement:
Elisabeth Tamedly (Lenches), author of this wonderful treatise that we just posted, also
Includes an interview with Walter Block, from the television program “The Journal”
Beauty is in the eye of beholder and only an individual can make subjective valuation of a work of art based on the satisfaction that he derives from it.
I heartily await other fortunes that discuss capital theory, interest rates, the business cycle, and perhaps even price controls.
Let us remember that we live in a world of scarcity, that economizing on information can be efficient, and that sometimes the reason stereotypes exist is because, well, they're true.
Economic science per se cannot establish ethical statements. The problem of 'welfare economics' has always been to find some way to circumvent this restriction on economics….The free market is the name for the array of all the voluntary exchanges that take place in the world.
The problem with this assumption is that it is quite impossible to construct a scale of measurement for human preferences — both for individuals and especially for groups of individuals.
Roderick Long talks about value-subjectivism, and where Austrian economics is supposed to endorse a subjective sense of value.