Economic Indulgences: Old and New Debates on Welfare and Freedom
I fear we will make little progress politically or economically if the attachment to emotionalism does not change in favor of economic realism.
I fear we will make little progress politically or economically if the attachment to emotionalism does not change in favor of economic realism.
This approach to costs and action allows for a praxeological explanation of originary interest avoiding shortcomings of traditional Austrian analysis.
The government wants to arrogate to itself the power, which, in an economy, is in the hands of the consumers.
The view seems to be that if a higher minimum wage is mandated that employers will continue to make all of the same hiring decisions. Not true.
Monetary profit is not the only kind of profit, but in a complex world, monetary profit is essential in building sustainable economies.
Mises maintained that humans act out of self interest. But that doesn't mean others can't benefit from those actions, regardless of intent.
If you can afford to live in a nice neighborhood with a responsive police force, the cost to you of gun control is much lower than for others.
This paper explores the implications of Mises’s theory of economic calculation for asset acquisitions and disposals, especially the acquisition and disposal of entire business enterprises.