Mises Wire

‘Conflicting Rights’ and the Hoppe Affair

‘Conflicting Rights’ and the Hoppe Affair

It is important to remember that Hoppe’s economic concepts are thoroughly Misesian, in that they are grounded in a priori logic. If the premises are true and the logical mechanisms that use those premises are correctly put into place, then the conclusion a priori is true as well. The reason that this is important is because Hoppe was reaching an academic conclusion, not expressing a statement of belief in opposition to homosexual behavior. if Hoppe continues to fight this unjust action by the UNLV administration, he will win in court. However, such a fight will sap him of his strength and keep him from performing some of those important duties that are his as a professional academic. For the time being, he has the law on his side, but standing up for the law and for what is right can be costly. First-rate thinkers like Mises and Rothbard understood that truth firsthand. Hoppe now is able to experience it for himself. [Full Article]

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