Mises Wire

Greenspan’s Personal Portfolio

Greenspan’s Personal Portfolio

Greenspan’s assets unhurt by 2002 bear (CNN.com): “Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan’s conservative approach to investing kept his nest egg secure in 2002, a year when many Americans in his income bracket lost money. In 2002, the Dow Jones industrial average lost 17 percent — its worst decline since 1977. But the central bank chief’s own portfolio changed little in value. Financial disclosure documents released Friday showed that the Fed chairman’s assets were valued at between $3 million and $6.4 million during 2002. The reports give ranges for the assets rather than the specific amount. The range is little changed from 2001 when his wealth was valued at between $3.1 million and $6.5 million. Greenspan keeps his money in Treasury bonds and money-market funds and does not invest in stocks.” 

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