Mises Wire

Head Start on Statism

Head Start on Statism

Lew Rockwell on Bush’s proposed Head Start reform: “There is no worse way to begin life in this world than with a dependency relationship to the state as versus parents. Parents are led to believe that there are no costs or responsibilities associated with raising kids, and kids are led to think of the government as their benefactor. This impression forms their political inclinations for the rest of their lives. Already, most kids are sucked into the body of the state via the public school system that traps them from the age of 7 through 18. It is a very bad idea to expand this approach. Even if Head Start could be shown to ‘work’ in some academic sense, such that those who attend the program do better than kids who do not, it still should not be supported. Child rearing is not a function proper to the government.” 

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