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Mises Blog: Your Place for Dinar News

Mises Blog: Your Place for Dinar News

US Prints Iraqi Dinar Despite its ‘Face’ Value“ (Baltimore Sun): “Every day, with the blessing of U.S. officials, Iraqi government printing presses produce 4 million portraits of Saddam Hussein. Hussein is rendered in purple ink against a filigreed pink and blue background, in a pose reminiscent of George Washington. One difference is that he is depicted wearing a business suit and striped tie.The portraits, printed by the mint, are on Iraq’s 250-dinar notes, probably the most widely circulated paper currency in Iraq. The reasons the United States has been forced to approve mass-produced portraits of this country’s fugitive leader while offering a $25 million reward for his capture suggest how complicated the reconstruction of the country now seems.”

Here are the results of a Blog search for Dinar.


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