Mises Wire

Technology and the Changing Educational Landscape

Technology and the Changing Educational Landscape

Earlier this evening, I attended a seminar on Austrian economics with Peter Boettke sponsored by Fundacion Bases in Argentina. In addition to just wanting to participate, I wanted to see what it was like to be a member of the audience for something like this as it’s a lot like what I expect my Mises Academy course to be like. It was really amazing: I feel like little, if anything, was lost relative to a real classroom even though the audio was a bit spotty at times. That, though, was an issue with the performance of the technology that can be fixed and not a problem with the online experience itself.

These are heady times in which to live, to be sure, as the Republic of Letters includes anyone with an Internet connection. I can’t believe how much things have changed in just the last five years. How much more will they change in the next five?

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