Mises Wire

The Truth about the States

The Truth about the States

Interesting report, courtesy of the AP, on a release by the National Conference of State Legislatures:

  • During the 90s boom, state spending grew $556 billion or 88 percent, or 6.57% per year.
  • In 1991, state spending was 9.8% of GDP; in 2001 it was 10 percent (virtually all owing to Medicaid, education, and prisons).
  • State spending will go up again this year, by 1%.
  • Revenue for current year is expected to be 4.3% higher this year than last. It will fall in only two states (Alaska and Louisiana).
  • In the past two years, states have raised $16 billion in new or higher taxes.

Here is the NCSL news release.


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