Mises Wire

From Vienna to Virginia.

From Vienna to Virginia.
Both the Austrian school of economics and the Virginia school of political economy have been staunch defenders of classical liberalism and free markets. But their commonalities run deeper, including an emphasis on rules and institutions, subjectivism, and the power of ideas. The Foundation for Economic Education is pleased to announce “From Vienna to Virginia,” a special conference for young scholars on the intersection between these two traditions.A group of graduate students and junior faculty will gather for a weekend to discuss the commonalities and differences between them and, most importantly, to pave the way for future research that incorporates the best of both approaches. Participants will have the opportunity to present original research and get feedback from established scholars in the fields of Austrian economics and Virginian public choice. FEE invites abstract submissions from graduate students and junior (untenured) faculty members in economics, political science, philosophy, and related disciplines. Abstracts should be 200-300 words and outline a substantive essay beginning with some common thread or divergence between the Austrian and Virginia schools. Coauthored papers are welcome. Entrants must be under 35 years of age, and may submit either one or two abstracts. They must also be willing to attend the “From Vienna to Virginia” conference at the Foundation for Economic Education in Irvington-on-Hudson, New York, September 18-20, 2008. Accommodations will be provided. Travel scholarships may be available. The deadline for abstract submissions is May 1, 2008. Entrants will be informed by May 15 if their papers are accepted. If your abstract is accepted, a first draft of your paper will be due in electronic form by August 15. Drafts should run no more than 8000 words. The best papers from the conference may be included in a collected volume. We are especially interested in papers touching on the following topics: * Methodology: the nature of economics, the role of economists, cost and exchange * Austrian Themes: knowledge problems, entrepreneurship, spontaneous order * Public Choice: democracy, voting, bureaucracy, dictatorship * Interventionism: regulation, taxes, redistribution, monetary policy * Political Economy: rules, institutions, constitutions, social choice, ethics and economics All sorts of papers are welcome, though excessive formalism is discouraged. Applied, historical, and conceptual papers will receive priority over history of thought papers. Please send abstract submissions and questions to Adam Martin via amartini@gmu.edu For more info see the FEE website.
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