Mises Wire

The Week in Review: October 8, 2016

During our Boston Mises Circle last weekend we discussed the real state of the US economy, and the solutions that lie beyond politics. This week, America’s continued economic stagnation was further illustrated by another lack-luster jobs report — showing that the government can’t even rig its own statistics enough to project a strong economy. What the government is good at, however, is causing trouble — as Uncle Sam threatens to push the floundering Deutsche Bank over the edge. While mainstream American economists continue to entertain thoroughly-debunked economic policy, and political activists advocate for overly simplistic reforms, perhaps Americans should really look to Spain, where the country is enjoying the lack of a functioning national government. After all, as we will be reminded once again during Sunday’s presidential debate, successful democracies usually just benefit bad people.

If you couldn’t make it to Boston, or follow our live stream, last weekend’s talks are now available on Youtube:

Mises Weekends features Lew Rockwell, Chairman and Founder of the Mises Institute, who delivered a moving message at our Boston Mises Circle. Entitled “Our Prospects are Bright,” Lew’s talk serves to remind us that the future of true liberalism was much darker during the life of Ludwig von Mises. For most of the 20th century, only a handful of libertarian activists existed. Today, millions around the world interact and spread the message using digital platforms that would have been unthinkable even when Mises died in the early 1970s. Our ideas grow in popularity, while the tired Democrats and Republicans struggle to maintain legitimacy and relevancy. Rather than too much focus on lamenting politics and the state, we should be heartened by how far we’ve come — and go forward confidently.

Remote video URL

And in case you missed any of them, here are the articles featured this week on the Mises Wire:

Image Source: Mises Institute
Note: The views expressed on Mises.org are not necessarily those of the Mises Institute.
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