Mises Wire

What Happened to Safety from Terrorism?

What Happened to Safety from Terrorism?

I was going to blog on the raising of the terror alert in the days after Saddam’s capture—another example of a policy yielding the opposite of its stated intentions—but  Bumper Hornberger already has: “Well, U.S. officials have raised the terrorist color code on the eve of the Christmas holidays, which means that we all,once again, have to be “vigilant” (whatever that means). But, hey, wait a minute — I thought that the president’s unprovoked invasion and unconstitutional (i.e., no congressional declaration of war) war of aggression against Iraq, which killed and maimed thousands more of innocent Iraqi people, and the “disarming” and the arrest of Saddam Hussein were supposed to make America safer from terrorism? Shouldn’t the color code be dropping instead of rising?”


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