Mises Wire

Is Wi-Fi Another Bubble?

Is Wi-Fi Another Bubble?

Wi-Fi Hot Spots Building Steam (SFChron): “Some analysts and investors are now questioning whether one key market for Wi-Fi, public Net access through hot spots at airports, hotels and coffee shops, is rapidly becoming a dot-com-style bubble waiting to burst, with service providers throwing far more money at expanding services than consumer demand will warrant anytime soon.”

Fuel Cells May Power Cellphones, Laptops (USAToday): “Fuel cell technology meant to replace gasoline in cars might first find a home in laptops and cell phones — more than doubling battery life. NEC, Motorola, Toshiba and others are designing fuel cells to power laptops for five hours or more — compared with two or three for conventional batteries. They also could work for cell phones and personal digital assistants, or PDAs.”


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