Power & Market

Gov. Desantis Shows Support for Property Tax Elimination

Property taxes

In a post on X, Governor Ron Desantis implied his support for a constitutional amendment limiting, or even eliminating property taxes in Florida. He said,

Property taxes are local, not state. So we’d need to do a constitutional amendment (requires 60% of voters to approve) to eliminate them (which I would support) or even to reform/lower them…

We should put the boldest amendment on the ballot that has a chance of getting that 60%…

I agree that taxing land/property is the more oppressive and ineffective form of taxation…

DeSantis’s proposal to potentially abolish property taxes in the state of Florida is a gigantic step in the direction of limiting the government’s overreach and promoting individual liberty. Property taxes are an intrusion into property rights as they compel homeowners to relinquish some of the property’s value to the state annually. This continuous imposition is no less than tyrannical because individuals never quite own their property, no matter how many times they have paid for it.

DeSantis’s advocacy for abolishing property taxes is aligned with fighting such corrupt governmental practices and interventions and advocating for personal autonomy and individual liberty as the property tax system forces citizens to continue paying for the ownership of their own properties in perpetuity.

Property taxes, by its critics, have correctly been described as unjust, regressive, and inefficient, in addition to having a disproportionate effect on lower-income homeowners who potentially have more of a struggle to pay them. Abolition of property taxes would be a relief from this system of annual burden and allow individuals to retain more of their earnings, stimulating economic growth, and individual wealth. Additionally, abolition of property taxes would force the government to find other and less invasive ways of funding essential services.

While the case for property taxes is that they are one of the biggest sources of revenue for public schools, roads, and other essential government services, ultimately reducing government spending and switching to more efficient and less intrusive forms of taxation would be ideal. By implementing other revenue streams such as consumption taxes or user fees, these alternative measures would be just as good, if not better capable of funding such services.

Further, DeSantis’s suggestion to abolish property taxes through a constitutional amendment and not just an executive order or mandate shows his respect for following the democratic process. By putting a constitutional amendment to a 60 percent vote of the citizens, DeSantis is going to ensure that any change in the tax regime will be done with massive public support, allow it to be enshrined into the state constitution and not enacted at the whim of the government.

In conclusion, Governor DeSantis’s proposal to abolish Florida property taxes is a bold move to reduce government encroachment and increase individual liberty. While the impact of instituting such radical change would force reliance on new revenue streams, the benefits of repealing property taxes far exceed the drawbacks and are a welcomed move towards a freer society.

Image Source: Adobe Stock
Note: The views expressed on Mises.org are not necessarily those of the Mises Institute.
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