Why Do We Celebrate Rising Home Prices?
The Fed and the government have gone to great lengths to prop up home prices. But it seems a bit odd to try to increase the cost of a basic necessity like housing. Why not do the same with food and clothing?
The Fed and the government have gone to great lengths to prop up home prices. But it seems a bit odd to try to increase the cost of a basic necessity like housing. Why not do the same with food and clothing?
In the wake of the Amtrak railway disaster, we’re likely to hear that the solution to the problem is more tax funding and regulation. Few will suggest privatizing the railways. But the historical record suggests that privatization does indeed make for safer railroads.
Everyone knows about the Great Depression which brought massive government intervention and lasted a decade. But few know of the Depression of 1920–21 which was ignored by government and lasted eighteen months.
Many economists have many theories about why economic growth in many advanced economies is stagnating. Some seem to think it’s irreversible, but a good look at creeping government regulation might offer a few hints as to the true cause.
It is now commonplace for governments to measure economic prosperity with GDP metrics. Numerous arbitrary rules and faulty assumptions behind these measures, however, skew our view of how economies grow and living standards improve.
The rise of government prosecutors in the US and Britain since the nineteenth century has led to many new forms of prosecutorial abuse and expansive government power. The older tradition of privately-initiated prosecution and restitution may offer a way out.
Homer Economicus is the subject of a question on the TV show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?"
Communities like Baltimore and Ferguson have been crippled by government regulations and the American nanny state. Now is the time to allow local residents to break free of government wage controls, government schooling, and government prohibitions.
Celebrate Star Wars Day: Here Are My Review/Previews of the Prequels. It's All About the Battle of Ideas!