The Disaster of Zimbabwe’s Price Controls
Zimbabwe's government has embraced a potent mixture of monetary inflation and price controls. The result has been economic disaster.
Medicare and Medicaid Destroyed Healthcare
Medicare and Medicaid ended up destroying the finest healthcare system in history, and the healthcare crisis has become a permanent part of American life.
Violence, Homesteading, and the Origins of Private Property
Even if we find that property was privatized by violence back in the mists of the past, it is not the slightest proof that the abolition of ownership is necessary, advisable, or morally justified.
Why the Courts Aren’t All They’re Supposed to Be
The government accepts no legal obligation to provide specified law enforcement services in exchange for the taxes it forcibly extracts from the citizenry. A clearly defined and voluntarily accepted reciprocal agreement between the government and the citizens has never existed.
Why Central Banks Aren’t Really Setting Interest Rates
Central banks can only distort and mask real interest rates with monetary policy. Interest rates are really set by each individual's time preference.
Central Banks May Be Driving Us Toward More Waste, More Carbon Emissions
Easy-money policies pushed by central banks may be redirecting wealth away from investment, and toward greater production and consumption of cheap consumer goods. That's not "green."