Alabama vs. The Great Reset
Featuring Will Blakely, Bryan Dawson, Allen Mendenhall, and Michael Rectenwald.
Featuring Will Blakely, Bryan Dawson, Allen Mendenhall, and Michael Rectenwald.
A central tenet of Keynesian economics is that governments must run budget deficits to stimulate economic growth. But government spending actually shrinks the economy.
We’re supposed to go along with Green Energy schemes—as we did with masks, school lockdowns, and vaccinations to stop covid—because our government, media, and “public interest” groups insist that we “follow the science.”
President Biden pushes a wealth tax as a measure of "fairness." Not only is it unconstitutional, but it's also bad for the economy.
Ryan and Tho look at common American history myths baked into government school curricula.
Like Bentham's panopticon, modern cancel culture is built upon fear and online bullying, making people police their own thoughts.
American politicians are beating war drums. They forget that bad relations are costly in many ways.
Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes famously claimed that taxes were the price people paid for civilized society. The problem is that taxes themselves are antisocial.
There is a concerted effort in the legacy press to paint a picture of Jack Teixeira as an antigovernment Trump-loving right-winger who is undeserving of whistleblower protections.
Ryan and Tho discuss recent reveals about new lows for the FBI.