
Displaying 1081 - 1090 of 1236
Jeffrey A. Tucker

The phrase of the day is "moral hazard." It's something everyone seems to think is a bad thing, but few are willing to do anything about, certainly not Alan Greenspan. So far, he's on record backing the Mexican bailout, the Asian bailout, the bailout of Long-Term Capital Management, and more IMF funding, despite the financial dangers all these create down the line.

Mises Institute
The story of the Austrian School begins in the fifteenth century, when the followers of Thomas Aquinas, writing and teaching at the University of Salamanca in Spain, sought to explain the full range of human action and social organization. This...
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William L. Anderson

In fact, the Roosevelt legacy is not individualism; it is certainly not liberty. His continuing legacy is one of unprecedented government intervention. Roosevelt crushed property rights. He constructed huge public works projects. He also helped lead the U.S. into its disastrous slide into imperialism and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans in numerous foreign conflicts (and millions of foreigners). In reality, the leviathan state in all its evil owes much to TR.

Jeffrey A. Tucker

As with other economists of the "old liberal" school, the rise of Nazism forced Röpke out of Germany and into intellectual exile. After the war, however, he made a triumphant return as adviser to finance minister Ludwig Erhard, another unsung hero of the period. Erhard repealed Germanys wartime economic controls and set the stage for the postwar boom. For this reason, Röpke is often called the brains behind the German economic miracle. He also became the most articulate opponent of European political integration.