Ludwig von Mises, Hero
Lew Rockwell speaks at the 2019 Supporters Summit in Los Angeles, California.
Question and Answer Period
Lew Rockwell and Paul Cantor answer audience questions at the 2019 Supporters Summit in Los Angeles, California.
James Mill and Libertarian Class Analysis
The theory of class conflict did not begin with Karl Marx. It began with two French libertarians, and James Mill developed a similar theory in the 1820s and 1830s.
A Man for Many Seasons
Wilhelm Roepke, RIP
In the midst of moral and intellectual decay, Roepke was an inflexible harbinger of the return to reason, honesty and sound political practice.
A Biography of Henry Hazlitt
"The art of economics consists of looking not merely at the immediate but at the longer effects of any act or policy; it consists in tracing the consequences of that policy not merely for one group but for all groups."
The (Deceptively Simple) Greatness of Henry Hazlitt
If Austrian economics seems daunting, just read Hazlitt.
Keynes and the Reds
If Keynes was such a model champion of the free society, how can we account for his peculiar comments, in 1933, endorsing, though with reservations, the social "experiments" that were going on at the time in Italy, Germany, and Russia?
Mises’s Favorite Anglo-American Economists
Mises was not one to praise individual economists very often. But he still had his favorites.