Gold as Natural Money
Gold historically has not been money by government fiat. Instead, gold has been the natural choice of people for money, something governments cannot undo (despite its best efforts).
Gold historically has not been money by government fiat. Instead, gold has been the natural choice of people for money, something governments cannot undo (despite its best efforts).
Hyperinflation? Yes, it can happen here, and the more officials deny hyperinflation is possible, the more they create the conditions that causes it.
The world seems to be on fire, and much of the trouble comes from the efforts of central banks to suppress interest rates. No one understands that problem better than British historian Edward Chancellor.
The only lesson for the United Kingdom is to remember that if you follow Greece’s economic policies, you get Greek debt, unemployment, and growth.
The world seems to be on fire, and much of the trouble comes from the efforts of central banks to suppress interest rates. No one understands that problem better than British historian Edward Chancellor.
What happens when banks lend money? It depends on the lending process itself. If lending comes about because of an expansion of credit, then it creates problems.
Bob and Jeff discuss the nauseating elevation of former Fed Chair Ben Bernanke to Nobel Prize winner.
What happens when banks lend money? It depends the lending process itself. If lending comes about because of an expansion of credit, then it creates problems.
The US dollar is not the world's "reserve" currency because of responsibility on behalf of the monetary authorities. Instead, the dollar's "strength" wages from the USA's self-appointed role as the world's protector.
Central banks claim that their main purposes are to help an economy maintain high rates of employment and price stability. Ironically, they claim to do this through inflation targets.