The Environment

Displaying 511 - 520 of 542
Matthew Hoffman

Environmental activists have recently uncovered a plot to destroy The Planet. A foreign race has managed to infiltrate our most pristine spaces with a simple but devastating scheme: to stomp, chew, and defecate The Planet into oblivion. They are perhaps the least suspect of our fellow fauna. They are The Cows.

Murray N. Rothbard

It is a common myth that the near-disappearance of the whale and of various species of fish was caused by "capitalist greed," which, in a short-sighted grab for profits, despoiled the natural resources—the geese that laid the golden eggs—from which those profits used to flow. Hence, the call for government to step in and either seize the ownership of these resources, or at least to regulate strictly their use and development.

It is private enterprise, however, not government, that we can rely on to take the long and not the short view.