Financial Markets
We’re in the double digits
The Producer Price Index is out and it shows a change in intermediate goods in March 2008
Did the Fed Cause the Housing Bubble?
Oh Keynesian, Where Art Thou?
But the Keynesian conclusion is rather obvious: the state, through its compulsory means, has to boost the level of aggregate demand in some way to stop the economy from falling into recession.
The Problems of Central Bank Planning
The very existence of a centrally planned apparatus changes the real economic data, and so changes what the "correct" number of cars should have been, even if we could agree on the criteria for correctness.
Why the Fed Can’t Do What It Wants to Do
The increase in monetary pumping however sets in motion a new boom-bust cycle. Also, once economic activity starts to recover on its own (as a result of the improvement in the pool of real funding) any "help" from the Fed can only slow down the process of recovery.
What are you investing in?
This is an open thread to discuss the question I (and others) continually receive many queries about. What does your portfolio look like?
Standing Keynesian GDP on Its Head: Saving Not Consumption as the Main Source of Spending
However modest in size, including possibly being actually negative, net investment represents the true source of most revenue and income.
Downward Dollar Delivers Blow to Outsourcing
The falling US dollar eats away at foreign workers' savings as the money is converted to their national currencies, but, more important, it discourages people leaning towards employment in the outsourced sector.