Caplan’s Errors on the UAE and Open Borders
Economist Bryan Caplan has held up the United Arab Emirates as an example of how open borders can be successful. Caplan clearly does not understand how immigration works in the UAE.
Economist Bryan Caplan has held up the United Arab Emirates as an example of how open borders can be successful. Caplan clearly does not understand how immigration works in the UAE.
One does not need to be an advocate of open borders to have concerns when one hears about a federal law enforcement agency engaging in a “crackdown.”
Economist Bryan Caplan has held up the United Arab Emirates as an example of how open borders can be successful. Caplan clearly does not understand how immigration works in the UAE.
For years I have held up Venezuela in my economics classes as an example of bad government policy.
The political zeitgeist is to embrace protectionism, leading some who support free trade to embrace open borders. However, as Murray Rothbard explained, people and societies are complex entities and what may work for trade does not work for open immigration.
The political zeitgeist is to embrace protectionism, leading some who support free trade to embrace open borders. However, as Murray Rothbard explained, people and societies are complex entities and what may work for trade does not work for open immigration.
Issues of immigration are complex. The current system of open borders, detention and expanding access to welfare is destructive to our body politic. We need to come up with a better system that protects the rights of all.
Issues of immigration are complex. The current system of open borders, detention and expanding access to welfare is destructive to our body politic. We need to come up with a better system that protects the rights of all.
Professor Garett Jones joins Bob to discuss his book, detailing the impact that immigrants' culture has on the institutions of their new home.
Simon Guenzl joins Bob to push back on Dave Smith's recent appearance, where Dave had made the case against open borders.