Media and Culture
Are Advertising “Bribes” Unethical?
If the FTC really cared about the harmful effects of hidden sponsorships and fraudulent goods, it would spend all its time investigating government.
The Week in Review: July 23, 2016
As expected, this week's political convention failed to offer any real solutions to the problems we face.
FTC Cracks Down on Sponsored Content
Even if consumer protection regulation is motivated by good intentions, it inevitably undermines competition and consumer welfare.
NBC’s The Blacklist: Why Reddington Is Better than the State
The Blacklist's Raymond Reddington illustrates how private-sector criminals are often better than the public-sector kind.
Wild Grumblers Appear: T-Mobile’s Pokémon Go Deal and Net Neutrality
The grumblers say that T-Mobile's free data for Pokémon Go violates a net neutrality rule.
Politicians Target Pikachu
Villainous Team Rocket may not have been able to stop Pikachu, but they are mere amateurs compared to the State.