Media and Culture
“Gun Violence” as a Rhetorical Trick in the Gun-Control Debate
When a pundit refers to "gun violence" when the discussion is about homicide, they're usually trying to hide something.
EU Hints It May Stop Speaking English To Spite UK
This week, the EU suggested that it would no longer allow English as an official language, and the Irish will speak Gaelic instead.
Gun-Control Advocates — Check Your Privilege
If you can afford to live in a nice neighborhood with a responsive police force, the cost to you of gun control is much lower than for others.
Ryan McMaken: The Brexit Earthquake
Ryan McMaken and Jeff Deist discuss what the shocking Brexit vote really means.
Godfrey Bloom on Brexit
Jeff Deist and Godfrey Bloom discuss Brexit, self-determination, and secession.
Guns: How The NY Times Manipulates Data
Gun control advocates continue to narrowly define the "developed" world in order to make the US seem strange and isolated in this regard.
Godfrey Bloom: What Brexit Means
Listen as Jeff Deist and Godfrey Bloom discuss Brexit, self-determination, and secession.
Tax Breaks Don’t Hurt Video Games, Intellectual Property Does
If we want gaming to develop as a vibrant community of original content creators, we must first and foremost reject protectionism in the world of ideas.
How Minority Groups Really Advance
Listen as Tom Woods and Ryan McMaken discuss public accommodation, antidiscrimination, and the true history of minority advancement.