CBDC: The Impacts on Freedom, Privacy, and Economic Development
The implementation of Central Bank Digital Currencies isn‘t just about money. It also is about personal freedom and how CBDCs give the government enormous powers over individuals.
The implementation of Central Bank Digital Currencies isn‘t just about money. It also is about personal freedom and how CBDCs give the government enormous powers over individuals.
The Southern Reconstruction, while portrayed by progressives as virtuous northerners trying to rebuild the South, was actually an attempt to use state power to direct social and economic life there.
Before leaving office, President Joe Biden posthumously pardoned black nationalist Marcus Garvey, who was convicted of mail fraud in 1923. Like other dissenters that came afterward, Garvey was hounded by the FBI. He remains a complex character even in death.
There is truth, and then there is government truth. Unfortunately, today‘s ruling class wants us to believe that government (or at least government run by elites) is the source of truth, and not to believe our lying eyes.
John Quincy Adams famously warned against the US going abroad in search of “monsters to destroy,” but while claiming to destroy monsters, the regime also creates and nourishes them.
Although a new presidential administration and Republican Congress have claimed support for civil liberties, support remains strong for the liberty-destroying FISA law. The more things change, the more they remain the same.
The Biden administration, and the political establishment more broadly, is scrambling to ram through policies that a majority of voters just voted against. Their actions expose that their supposed commitment to democracy is a lie.
Ross Ulbricht was railroaded by a federal kangaroo court which imposed an absurdly excessive penalty. Today, Donald Trump pardoned Ulbricht.
Joe Biden‘s term is over, but while in office he continued the practice of lying and locking up federal documents that could expose federal government wrongdoing. One hopes against hope that President Trump will reverse that trend.
Even though the Pentagon has failed seven audits in a row, defense spending is now 60 percent higher (in real terms) than its old Cold War peak.