James Mill: Laissez-Faire‘s Lenin
As leader of the laissez-faire radicals in England, James Mill was a master of political strategy, although some of his methods were rather morally deficient.
As leader of the laissez-faire radicals in England, James Mill was a master of political strategy, although some of his methods were rather morally deficient.
Jeff Deist finishes his series on Hoppe's devastating classic with a look at the final chapters, critiquing conservatism, liberalism, and constitutionalism.
Peter Schiff discusses minarchism vs. anarcho-capitalism on The Bob Murphy Show.
Bob unveils a new series in which he explains and then evaluates apparent contradictions in the way free-market libertarians handle certain issues.
Jayant Bhandari joins the show to discuss Hoppe's controversial thesis concerning monarchy and democracy. This is a must-listen show for anyone interested in Hoppe's most famous work and its application to the problems western states face today.
To swing a political debate in favor of the state, all it takes is a crisis, either real or imagined. The masses will then abandon whatever resistance they had to the state's latest interventions.
In an unhampered economy, monopoly is not a framework distinguishable from “pure” competition. In fact, inefficient monopolies arise only in case of government interventionism.
There are many reasons we should be skeptical of the GDP statistic. But it is nonetheless important to understand how it is calculated.
It is ideas that determine what people consider as their interests. Free men do not act in accordance with their interests. They act in accordance with what they believe furthers their interests.
It is theoretically conceivable but scarcely likely that the ruling class will rush to embrace a philosophy and a political economy that will end their power and put them, in effect, out of business.