The Moral Imperative of the Market
If it is true that prices are signals which enable us to adapt our activities to unknown events and demands, it is evidently nonsense to believe that we can control prices.
If it is true that prices are signals which enable us to adapt our activities to unknown events and demands, it is evidently nonsense to believe that we can control prices.
From Part VI: Mises in America.
Narrated by Paul Strikwerda.
In this wide-ranging interview, he discusses most of insights that have made him a globally renowned intellectual leader. It is an introduction to Hoppe.
Recorded at the Mises Circle in Chicago, 9 April 2011.
In the U.S., an almost unsurmountable gulf separates “society” from the intellectuals, writes Ludwig von Mises (1881–1973).
It is generally accepted that a government can enslave the citizens — unless it is a democratic government. Mistake!
Let's say that Jesus had not offered salvation to all but instead had restricted the number of units of salvation to exactly 1,000.