Want to Shrink the Economy? Limit the Labor Force
In conclusion, Thom Hartmann's economic views are based on misinformation.
In conclusion, Thom Hartmann's economic views are based on misinformation.
Reisman shows himself ever alert to defend capitalism against objection, and I found especially impressive his demolition of Marx's argument that profit derives from exploiting labor.
"An authoritarian state can never be peaceful because it can never be healthy; even if such a nation is unable to carry on a war against other nations, it is still at war with its own citizens."
Although evils exist in both the shared and private forms of a city, it is only in the private form that the virtues of temperance, love, and generosity can be exercised.
"We know of no force which could act for the satisfaction of human desires so as to make the satisfaction equal for a number of men…"
Recorded at the Mises Circle in Seattle, September 12th, 2009. Includes introductory and closing remarks by Douglas French. Sponsored by James M.
Then the welfare, the relief, the compensation, instead of being nationally sponsored cash prizes for idleness and ineptitude, could go where the old independent uncompromising fathers themselves would have intended it and blessed it.
Rothbard's willingness to engage in frank criticism of bad ideas from any source only underscores his insistence on honesty and independence of mind.
The battle between Rand and Branden, moreover, is really no contest. Rand created something, whereas Branden has lived his entire life parasitically off Rand, first as a worshipful disciple and cult organizer, then as a neo-Randian shrink who set up shop in California with the solid initial base of the RandCult's Nathaniel Branden Institute mailing list.