Philosophy and Methodology
Truth in a Piston
It may be the spirit will not change, but from perfecting, minding, and living with machines the mentality does.
It’s About Energy, Not Climate
The environmental movement has been doing its utmost to sabotage energy production since the 1960s, long before it was able to latch onto the prosp
Libertarianism is a Revolutionary Movement
ROCKWELL: The biggest strategic error is collaborating with the powers that be, as if the people in charge –those consumed by what St Augustine called "the lust to rule" –can be convinced by libertarian arguments. This isn't going to work. We need to come to terms with the fact that we are ultimately a revolutionary movement.
On Evil Acts
What guarantee do we have that the people who run the state will be less evil than those who are run by the state?
Does Rawlsian Justice Require Anarchy?
This "greatest benefit" to the least advantaged is doubly meaningless, since the only society that would qualify as just is one in which the identity of the least advantaged is irrelevant.
Consenting Capitalist Acts: The Tyranny of the Left
Recorded at the Mises Circle in Houston, “Despots Left and Right: The Tyrannies of Our Times,” Saturday, 14 April 2007, sponsored by Je